USA / Canada Direct Mail MLM Genealogy Leads
Looking to get in contact with network marketers using direct mail? With our cleaned MLM genealogy direct mail leads you can "snail mail" your marketing message out to people with home business experience all across USA, Canada or both. All of our MLM direct mai lead packages are pulled from our exclusive
database of home business owners, network marketers and direct sales
What Information is Included with These Leads:
- Full Name
- Mailing Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- Country (Only USA & Canada Available)
- Company/Opportunity the prospect has experience with (ie. Visalus, Customer Advantage, Monavie, etc)
After purchasing this lead package, your customized list will be
extracted from our database and ran through an mailing address cleaning & validation
service. This service will remove bad mailing addresses and verify the address in question can receive mail.
Important Information About Ordering:
online ordering system is only available to customers in the United
States, Canada, UK and Australia. If you wish to make a purchase from
outside one of these areas you need to give us a call at 1-888-689-8444
to make arrangements. We currently accept all major credit cards
including Visa, MasterCard, American Express & Discover. If you wish
to use a different payment method give us a call.
In order to cut down on fraud, we investigate and in many cases, call and verify orders before sending out lead packages.
What Happens After You Place Your Order:
compile, clean and send out all orders manually after your purchase has been
verified. The average delivery time is 6 to 24 hours depending on when the order is placed. All orders are sent out as an email attachment
in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format. If you need your data in a different format (ie: Pdf, Txt, Etc.) simply shoot us an email or give us a call with your
request. If for some reason you haven't received your list within 24
hours, please call us at 1-888-689-8444 to confirm your order was processed.
We show you how to work genealogy leads effectively!
you make a purchase from you also gain access to our Customer
Resource Center. Here you will be able to download our "MLM Genealogy
Lead Secrets" ebook ($29.95 Value) which will help answer any questions you
might have about this type of business building.
Customer Resource Center also includes other tips, tools &
techniques that can help you work your leads and run your home business
more efficiently.